What does Pepe say about himself?
To work hard and have a calling, that is essential to being an artist. Painting is total dedication. This is my way of thinking and painting. To be creative and independent, to know what you want to say to others. Naturalness, love, pain, and the human aspects of life, to differentiate yourself in your way of painting and drawing, that is the essence of art.
Creativity is essential. Having the courage to be different is right and gives a painting that certain something. When I paint, I give my all, and I either rejoice in what I am doing or I suffer. A great sense of emotion fills my entire being. I always wanted to be a painter. Drawing is a necessity for me. Drawing is my language in art. It is communication with others through my drawings. You can say so much with your own lines! That is, of course, assuming you know how to use them. Color is expression but also an outburst, and the artist uses it according to his feelings and preferences. Drawing, however, is the foundation of art. The question of the message is something entirely different. Whether I am in Malaga, Castile, or the North, my feeling remains the same, only the time and place around me change. But I never stop being myself.
I am very interested in people, with their doubts, their struggles, and their joys. Without wanting to, all of that comes out and naturally reflects in the painting. People then find messages and such things. I paint. For me, the painting is something else. It is a way to feel and express myself. And if it finds its way to others and reaches them, I am even happier. The secret in a work cannot be learned. The artist carries it within him from the moment he takes his first steps as an artist or painter. The artist is a person who moves in a society, in a time. Therefore, love and pain, and everything that makes up this world, also touch and interest him, and it comes out—sometimes unintentionally, sometimes intentionally—in his paintings, in his work, that secret that others feel in front of his paintings.
The artist constantly doubts because he challenges himself. Having a calling and working hard are my principles. I like and admire those masters of art: Leonardo da Vinci, Dürer, Goya, Michelangelo, El Greco, and Picasso, each in his own way of making art, paintings, and drawings.