ABOUT PEPE ESPAÑA The Andalusian artist, known for painting and drawing directly onto canvas or big sheets of paper – with no prior sketches or later corrections was born in 1930 in Malaga, just a few yards from the birth place of his great fellow-countryman Pablo Picasso. Living through the Spanish Civil War as a small child had lasting effects on him. Early on in his life Pepe España knew he would become a painter even though he could have just as easily become a musician or dancer. After years of travel interspersed with stays in Barcelona and Paris he spent time in Madrid and Cuenca (Castile). His first visit to Switzerland in 1972 was upon invitation by Rivella-boss Dr. Robert Barth. At that time Barth offered a number of various artists the opportunity to get to know Switzerland from the "inside" and to work and exhibit here. Pepe España kept returning to Switzerland and in 1989 got married to Rosa Laubscher, a Swiss woman. His creative work consisted of alternating cycles: an intense creative period of about 3 to 6 months during which he creates a series of pictures and drawings – representing a unique creative period - was followed by an equally long period spent resting, absorbing, living, socialising, and stays in his native Malaga. From 1974 to 1984 Pepe España lived and worked in a period town-house, situated on the Junkerngasse 13 in Bern. He created an important part of his work between 1984 and 1990 in Aarau. Since 1990 lived and worked in a renovated farmhouse at Lake Biel in Sutz-Lattrigen. His works are predominantly found in private collections in Switzerland, Germany and Spain. Pepe España on himself (1991) Julian Sesmero Ruiz Crossing Space Peter Killer – Pepe España, Expression and Force << back |